Let go of burnout and stagnation to create a business that aligns with your soul's mission and generates the income you deserve.
What you'll get:
personalized business strategies
heal limiting beliefs
practical self-care practices
personalized business strategies
heal limiting beliefs
practical self-care practices
guides and is unique to your needs & your business.
Understand your soul's true purpose. Align your business and life for freedom, ease,
and fulfillment.
Transform your life by gaining insight and
a deeper understanding of your
unique success blueprint.
One (1) 60 Minute Akashic Business Strategy Reading
Audio Recording of Your Session
Overcome limitations and fast-track success to align with the highest vision
you have for yourself.
We use both Akashic Records Healing
+ Rapid Reprogramming for deep and meaningful transformation.
Three (3) 60 Minute Akashic Business Strategy + Healing Sessions
Audio Recordings of Your Sessions
Book 3 Sessions-Save $150
*You will be directed to the calendar after choosing your option.
You will receive a pdf guide of example questions to ask for clarity during your session upon sign up.
The Akashic Records is a recording of your soul’s journey – past, present, and probable future.
Think of the Akashic library as a compilation of all timelines, thoughts, events, emotions, and intentions ever made recorded throughout universal existence.
Your Record Keepers & Guides are your own personal librarians (or google search) that fetch the information requested and relay it to you.
It’s my job to interpret or channel this information from your Record Keepers & Guides and repeat it to you in a way that is both meaningful and manageable.
What to expect during your session:
These are virtual sessions where you will be somewhere you can be comfortable and undisturbed so that you can talk freely.
Your records guide, in this case Kay, will open your records with a prayer.
Most times Kay will mute herself and have you take some deep grounding breaths while you wait. It only takes a few minutes.
In this prayer, we will be calling in your spiritual guides (You have personal guides as well as business guides. We work with both.) These are angels, archangels, ascended masters, and passed on loved ones who support you throughout life.
You can rest assured that this process does not invite any negative entities that would be harmful in any way.
In my vast experience with reading records, all guides that come to work with us are benevolent and loving and want nothing more than to help you align with your soul's purpose and freedom from mental or physical struggle.
You will be able to ask questions for your goals, highest alignment, and truth. Kay will relay the answers from your guide team and follow their instruction for any healing methods necessary at that time.
When we are finished, Kay will offer a prayer to thank your guides and close the records.
We never want to leave your records open.
What is Akashic Healing?
Healing the subconscious mind requires healing the root cause, the initial imprint.
This work will help you identify harmful thought patterns and dismantle them at the core. Some are surface-level, and easier to transform through daily practices like meditation, affirmations, and Rapid Reprogramming. Others are not so easy.
Some of your subconscious beliefs stem from current and past life trauma, as well as ancestral trauma that still affect your life choices today.
Now we have the power to heal them.
In Akashic Healing sessions, we work with your spirit guides to uncover the root cause of what’s holding you back, whether it is present-life programming, past-life trauma, or ancestral patterns, and then follow their guidance to dismantle it.
This is powerful work.
Example 1:
My client was having trouble relinquishing responsibilities and needed to please others at work. This took up all of her time and energy, and there was no time left for herself or to work on her business.
Going into her records, her guides told us that the need to serve others over her well-being came from an experience she had as a little girl.
On a soul and subconscious level, she was not allowed to “not do her part” as a contributing member of society. And to her inner child, she was not allowed to “not” have a job.
Her record keepers advised me on intuitive healing during the session. I led her through an easy breath-work and visioning exercise while her guides did the work.
After this experience, she was able to readjust her schedule with inner peace and diplomacy. Working fewer hours for more pay, allowing her more time to care for herself, her family, and her soul-led business.
Belief work is hard, but utilizing our spirit team makes it easier.
They do the heavy lifting for us!
Example 2:
Through working in the records, I have healed soul encounters where I was too frightened to be seen for my spiritual work because of a past life in which my soul was hiding and feared being caught in this life.
This caused me to repeat self-sabotaging behavior and lack the courage to voice my authentic message: that we all have gifts worthy of being celebrated and deserve to live a life that feels easy and free, compared to the hustle-and-grind culture we were raised in.
It caused me to fear what people would think of me and feel unsafe being visible as my most authentic self.
Healing this soul trauma allowed me to release another layer of visibility to be seen and known for my gifts.
I feel more confident and at ease as I move forward in expanding my business, and permission to release all of the pressure I'd been holding on to.
My session with Kay provided incredible clarity and helped me break through a mental block that had held me back for months.
I feel empowered to perform at a level that I have been holding back from because I didn't understand it but now I do.