VIP Private Mentorship

Helping soul-driven entrepreneurs

clear limiting beliefs to

unleash their

full potential

4 Months of private coaching to uncover your soul-led path to success and dissolve any blocks holding you back from achieving the impact, income, and ease you deserve in your soul-aligned business.

You took the leap and you’re living the dream, but it’s harder than you imagined.

  • You feel isolated working from home and struggle to generate consistent income in the business. 

  • You fear you will have to give up your dream and go back to work if this doesn’t work out. 

  • You’re a coach, creator, or intuitive service provider who believes in the value of serving the world with your gifts and taking better care of yourself (and everyone else) in the process. 

  • You’re in it for the long game

  • Giving up on your dream would mean giving up on your calling and that is simply not an option. This has to work.

  • You long to feel confident in yourself, and your choices, prioritizing the right actions to move you forward.

  • And you want to trust yourself, knowing that your success is not only possible, it’s certain.

Good News: You can

In order to find success you have to look at your resistance.

(i.e. your subconscious programming)

The key to achieving massive growth and consistency is not to follow someone else’s program or recipe for success.

It is to uncover and reprogram the limiting beliefs running on autopilot in the back of your mind. 

They look like this:

  • What if I can’t do this?

  • What will they think?

  • Everyone else is so much farther ahead than I am.

  • I can’t charge that much. No one would pay that.

No amount of positive affirmation or willpower can change this. 

But I will teach you what can.

 I’m Kay

Akashic Records Healer & Intuitive Coach for your Soul-Aligned Business

I help women like you go from doubt, confusion, procrastination, and thinking “Is this dream really going to work?”, to confidently running a profitable, sustainable business.

My mission is to help women thrive (financially, physically, and spiritually) while sharing their authentic gifts with the world and getting paid well for it. 

I’ve been there, and I get it. I understand the struggles of being a new business owner.

I’m here to help you succeed at creating a business (& lifestyle) on your terms. One with the impact, income, and ease you dream of.


Soul-led CEO is for women brave enough to leave the 9-5 hustle-culture behind to pursue their soul-led path of freedom and purpose, but have struggled to find the consistency, income, and ease they know is possible.

Embody confidence and freedom as the "Soul-led CEO"
you were always meant to be.

When you reprogram the old identities of who you had to be to survive in corporate, you become the self-employed boss that your business needs you to be now.

Trust me, I've used this program on myself and seen it work for my clients. I built this program for you as a roadmap to what I wished someone had taught me when I started. Because I believe in you.

Your work, and your impact matters. The world needs you.

We use Akashic Records Healing for deep & lasting transformation.

Reprogram old beliefs, habits, and identities of your past.
With Akashic Healing we reconcile old wounds from past lives, ancestral trauma, and present life conditioning that stop you from taking action, speaking your truth, and charging what you're worth.

Akashic Healing allows you to remove the resistance and finally shine.

"The Akashic Strategy Session gave me reassurance that I am on the right track in my life and business. It gave me confidence to know that I’m doing the work that I am supposed to be doing.

This is one the most thought provoking things that anyone can do for their life. It is an enlightening and inspirational experience."

Soul-led CEO is focused on:

  • Teaching you how to create unshakeable belief in yourself.

  • Showing you how to feel supported in every way.

  • Embodying confidence to say the hard truths, share your wisdom with the world, and allow your authentic self to be seen, heard, and celebrated.

  • Removing the pressure to be perfect, and let it be easy.

  • Getting paid for your gifts.

    You deserve to be paid for what comes easy to you, for the work that fulfills and nourishes you.

  • Healing the pressure of doing what others expect over what you know is best.

Soul-led CEO is

focused on:

  • Teaching you how to create unshakeable belief in yourself.

  • Showing you how to feel supported in every way.

  • Embodying confidence to say the hard truths, share your wisdom with the world, and allow your authentic self to be seen, heard, and celebrated.

  • Removing the pressure to be perfect, and let it be easy.

  • Getting paid for your gifts

    You deserve to be paid for what comes easy to you, for the work that fulfills and nourishes you.

  • Healing the pressure of doing what others expect over what you know is best.

what's inside

Here’s how we do it:

Session 1

Akashic Strategy Session

An Akashic reading for your soul-led business to discover how you can move forward with grace and ease by receiving next level guidance to fast-track business growth with your best and highest good in mind.

Sessions 2-8

Subconscious Reprogramming

Akashic Healing (& Business Mentoring) to release the subconscious blocks standing in your way of accomplishing the goals you set for yourself. 

bonus content

5 Support Modules

Reprogram your subconscious resistance and take aligned action in your soul-led business with trainings, meditations, tools, and journal workbooks.

We cover: self-belief, support, sales, visibility, and routines for success without burnout so that you can achieve the plans you set and never look back.


what's inside

Here’s how we do it:

Session 1

Your Akashic Strategy Session

An Akashic Reading for your soul-led business to discover how you can move forward with grace and ease by receiving divine guidance to fast-track business growth for greater impact and income without burnout.

Sessions 2-8

Coaching & Reprogramming

Akashic Healing (& Business Mentoring) to release the subconscious blocks standing in your way of accomplishing the goals you set for yourself with the assistance of your divine support team.

bonus content

5 Support Modules

Reprogram your subconscious resistance and take aligned action in your soul-led business with trainings, meditations, tools, and journal workbooks.

We cover: self-belief, sales, visibility, and routines for success

without burnout so that you can achieve the plans you set and never look back.

Money Mastery Course

& Aquarian Age of Abundance Masterclass

Coming in January 2025

Become the master of your money beliefs.
Get both FREE when you Pay In Full.

Valued at $500

Money Mastery Course

& Aquarian Age of Abundance Masterclass

Coming January 2025

Become the master of your money beliefs.

Get both FREE when you Pay In Full.

Valued at $500


Kay has given me the tools to change my mindset when I have setbacks that are inevitable when owning a small and creative business.

I also feel more balanced because I am now able to decide what I need to prioritize, without guilt or fear.

4 Months of Private Support



Voice Messaging Access Monday-Friday



7 Biweekly Coaching Calls



1 Akashic Strategy Session



5 Belief Reprogramming Support Modules




Money Mastery Digital Course & Abundance Masterclass




Once your application is accepted, Kay will be in touch with next steps to discover if Soul-led CEO "VIP Mentorship" is the right next step for you.



+ Includes Money Mastery eCourse & Aquarian Age of Abundance Masterclass Valued at $500

Monthly Installments

$475 x 4

What we heal

Support Modules:

module 01

Creating Your New Support Network

It's tough feeling like you have to do it all.

Redefine your support team, learn how to work with your spiritual guides for better business alignment, and reprogram your ability to ask for and receive the support you need at home and in business.

module 02

Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Release the fear over

what others think. 

Say the hard things with confidence and authenticity to grow your impact and message.

module 03

Foster Unwavering Belief in Yourself & Your Product or Service

Your business cannot survive without your unwavering self-belief.

This step infuses confidence, excitement, and purpose back into your work. We are aiming to create an unshakeable belief in yourself and the value of your gifts to the world.

module 04

Money Mindset

Gain confidence in selling and pricing your work. 

When you release the resistance and pressure around income you can see that your success is already certain.

It's just a matter of time.

By reprogramming limiting beliefs around money (& sales) you can take control of your money story & start earning the income you know is possible.

module 05

Self-Care for Long-Term Success without Burn Out

Create your business your way.

When you release the programming that believes “you have to work hard & hustle in order to be successful” you will find that it really can be easy.  Discern what boundaries are uniquely needed for you. Then put them into action with my support.

If your business is a part of you, then you must take care of yourself in order for that business to thrive.

what we focus on

Support Modules:

module 01

Creating Your New Support Network

It’s tough feeling like you have to do it all.

Redefine your support team, learn how to work with your spiritual guides for better business alignment, and reprogram your ability to ask for and receive the support you need at home and in business.

module 02

Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Release the fear over what others think. 

Say the hard things with confidence and authenticity to grow your impact and message.

module 03

Foster Unwavering Belief in Yourself

& Your Product or Service

Your business cannot survive without your unwavering self-belief.

This step infuses confidence, excitement, and purpose back into your work. We are aiming to create an unshakeable belief in yourself and the value of your gifts to the world.

module 04

Money Mindset

Gain confidence in selling and pricing your work. 

When you release the resistance and pressure around income you can see that your success is already certain. It's just a matter of time.

By reprogramming limiting beliefs around money (& sales) you can take control of your money story & start earning the income you know is possible.

module 05

Self-Care for Long-Term Success without Burn-Out

Create your business your way.

When you release the programming that believes “you have to work hard & hustle in order to be successful” you will find that it really can be easy.  Discern what boundaries are uniquely needed for you. Then put them into action with my support.

If your business is a part of you, then you must take care of yourself in order for that business to thrive.

I wasn’t aware of just how much my leftover corporate mindset (from a 25-year-long career in Big Pharma) was affecting the growth of my Divorce Coaching private practice. During my first session with Kay, we started digging into my old subconscious stories about money, success, relationships, and self-worth.

I’ve found the confidence and self-trust to move forward in business in ways that feel authentic and aligned with my vision and heart.




What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is a recording of your soul’s journey – past, present, and probable future.

Think of the Akashic library as a compilation of all timelines, thoughts, events, emotions, and intentions ever made recorded throughout universal existence.

Your Record Keepers & Guides are your own personal librarians (or google search) that fetch the information requested and relay it to you.

It’s my job to interpret or channel this information from your Record Keepers & Guides and repeat it to you in a way that is both meaningful and manageable.

What is Akashic Healing?

Healing the subconscious mind requires healing the root cause, the initial imprint. 

This work will help you identify harmful thought patterns and dismantle them at the core. Some are surface-level, and easier to transform through daily practices like meditation and affirmations. Others are not so easy.

Some of your subconscious beliefs stem from current and past life trauma, as well as ancestral trauma that still affect your life choices today.

Now we have the power to heal them.

In Akashic Healing sessions, we work with your spirit guides to uncover the root cause of what’s holding you back, whether it is present-life programming, past-life trauma, or ancestral patterns, and then follow their guidance to dismantle it

This is powerful work. 

What are some examples of Akashic Healing?

Example 1:
My client was having trouble relinquishing responsibilities and needed to please others at work. This took up all of her time and energy, and there was no time left for herself or to work on her business.

Going into her records, her guides told us that the need to serve others over her well-being came from an experience she had as a little girl. 

On a soul and subconscious level, she was not allowed to “not do her part” as a contributing member of society. And to her inner child, she was not allowed to “not” have a job. 

Her record keepers advised me on intuitive healing during the session. I led her through an easy breath-work and visioning exercise while her guides did the work.

After this experience, she was able to readjust her schedule with inner peace and diplomacy. Working fewer hours for more pay, allowing her more time to care for herself, her family, and her soul-led business. 

Belief work is hard, but utilizing our spirit team makes it easier.

They do the heavy lifting for us!

Example 2:

Through working in the records, I have healed soul encounters where I was too frightened to be seen for my spiritual work because of a past life in which my soul was hiding and feared being caught in this life. 

This caused me to repeat self-sabotaging behavior and lack the courage to voice my authentic message: that we all have gifts worthy of being celebrated and deserve to live a life that feels easy and free, compared to the hustle-and-grind culture we were raised in.

It caused me to fear what people would think of me and feel unsafe being visible as my most authentic self. 

Healing this soul trauma allowed me to release another layer of visibility to be seen and known for my gifts. 

What happens in an Akashic Reading?

What to expect during your session:

These are virtual sessions where you will be somewhere you can be comfortable and undisturbed so that you can talk freely.

Your records guide, in this case Kay, will open your records with a prayer.
Most times Kay will mute herself and have you take some deep grounding breaths while you wait. It only takes a few minutes.

In this prayer, we will be calling in your spiritual guides (You have personal guides as well as business guides. We work with both.) These are angels, archangels, ascended masters, and passed on loved ones who support you throughout life.

You can rest assured that this process does not invite any negative entities that would be harmful in any way.

In my vast experience with reading records, all guides that come to work with us are benevolent and loving and want nothing more than to help you align with your soul's purpose and freedom from mental or physical struggle.

You will be able to ask questions for your goals, highest alignment, and truth. Kay will relay the answers from your guide team and follow their instruction for any healing methods necessary at that time.

When we are finished, Kay will offer a prayer to thank your guides and close the records.
We never want to leave your records open.

How much time will this take outside of sessions?

Outside of our biweekly sessions, you can expect to work on trainings and tools for about an hour each week. Suggested: 15 minutes a day, several days a week. Just like starting any new practice, we will start small and work our way up.

Prepare to be committed to your work outside of our sessions in order to get the full benefit.

Can I do this program if I’m still working my 9-5?

Absolutely, as long as you have a dream to pursue your soul-led passion then this is the perfect place to help you achieve your goal. 

Working with Kay privately in the VIP Mentorship is highly recommended to create an exit strategy and faster growth to actualize your plan.

What if it takes longer than 4 months?

This is ongoing work my friend. Years of repetitive thoughts and programming will not disappear overnight. (Bummer, I know.) 

The program is delivered over the course of 16 weeks, but we can continue our work together for as long as you want. 

The answers that you are searching for on how to run your business for long-term fulfillment, joy, ease, AND success cannot be found in someone else’s road map.

This is about finding your road map.

We’ll keep working on this for as long as you need.

Does this include shortcut to success, funnels, or marketing advice.

No, “Soul-led CEO” doesn’t offer how to’s or templates. 

In all honesty, you probably already have all the how to's and templates you need. And deep down, you know that more is not the answer. Reprogramming the thoughts that tell you "you can't" is the answer you're looking for.

This program is for you if…

  • You are an awakened soul on a self-made journey as a coach, creative, or intuitive service provider.

  • You come from a family that believes in the value of hard work.

  • You held a traditional job for years, decades even.

  • You left (or dream to leave) to create the soul-driven, purposeful business that would allow you to live and work the way you want.

  • You've struggled in that transition from “work life” to entrepreneurship. Finding it hard to confidently take ownership of your business and success.

It is perfect for you if:

Your business is a part of who you are.

You cannot, not bring it to life, and there is no going back. 

Are You Ready for Deep &

Meaningful Transformation?

Your soul-inspired business cannot survive without your unwavering self-belief

This is your invitation to take the leap into claiming the next version of you, the "Soul-led CEO". 

The impact and income you know are possible are waiting for you just around the corner.


"I am at a loss for words as to how much Kay has impacted my life, relationships, and future goals. She has given me the confidence and tools to be able to succeed.


"Heals the inside wounds."

I am so thankful for Kay and the deep joy her program brings me. I find comfort in her amazing listening skills. She truly gears her program to heal the inside wounds.


"Easy to talk to."

Kay is open and easy to talk to. I feel at home speaking with her. She is insightful and gives useful suggestions and tools.
